Re: [gtk-osx-users] [Gtk-osx-users] Can't build on 10.8.2

On Jan 9, 2013, at 11:35 AM, John A. Vink <jav nestlabs com> wrote:

> I am very confused.  I'm trying to build Gtk+ as a pre-requisite for building WireShark.  So I'm following the instructions at <> for building Gtk+.  I get to the stage "jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core", which you say builds Gtk+, but it fails, because you say I have not built Gtk+.
> I am inexperienced in building Gtk+, in that I've never gotten it to build before.

By "experienced", I mean that you can write programs with Gtk+ yourself, including the autoconf/automake configuration. Gtk-OSX is intended for developers/maintainers of Gtk+ programs who want to port them as standalone applications to Mac users. It's not a slam-dunk, though building the core meta-module is intended to be... but when it isn't, I expect the person having trouble to be able to understand the process and what failed and to provide an accurate report, perhaps including what he did to get it to work. That apparently isn't you. 

So to explain what's going on, you first must understand that each meta-module (bootstrap, meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap, meta-gtk-osx-core, etc.) is a collection of several modules, of which gtk-mac-integration is the last. Each module goes through 4 stages, checkout (e.g., retrieving the tarball and unpacking it), configuration (normally running configure), build (running make), and install (running make install). Each stage must complete properly to go on to the next one. If it fails, you're presented with a menu of things to do about it, one of which is "ignore the problem and keep going". Since you got to configuring gtk-mac-integration without having installed Gtk+, you must have selected that at least once. You shouldn't have, because that's the set of errors that will explain what's wrong with your system. An error message saying that something earlier in the sequence failed isn't at all helpful.

As for Wireshark, two notes: First, they already have Mac binaries at, and second, it appears from their README.mac (, it only works for X11, not quartz. Gtk-osx builds the quartz version of Gtk+ -- that's the whole point of it -- so you're likely headed down the wrong path.
John Ralls

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