Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Updates for stable gtk-osx moduleset

On May 1, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Christophe Fergeau wrote:

> Hi John,
> I've started playing with the gtk-osx jhbuild moduleset lately (to try to
> build spice-gtk against gtk-osx). I had to make a few changes which you can
> find at . I'm not
> sure what is the better way of getting them known (some mailing list?
> github merge request?), that's why I'm mailing your directly.
> Be aware that I haven't tested at all the commit updating the glib/gtk/...
> versions used, so be careful with it :) I'll test it next time I do some
> work on OSX.
> Thanks for working on gtk-osx,

Yes, there's a mailing list for gtk-osx:

Interestingly, another guy, Cliff Sharp, wrote the list last week about porting spice-gtk.

I don't update the stable moduleset very often because it's a lot of work to test everything. Last time was the end of January, and it took almost 2 weeks to get everything smoothed out so it's stable. Thanks for offering your changes, but I'm not going to revisit it until late summer.

John Ralls

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