Re: [gtk-osx-devel] Problem with dialog box icons

On 14-02-02 04:49 PM, John Ralls wrote:
On Feb 1, 2014, at 8:19 PM, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

On Feb 1, 2014, at 3:50 PM, Jim Charlton <jim jimc dyndns org> wrote:

I edited the offending line in gtkselection.c to "return FALSE;" and then meta-gtk-osx-gtk3 built just fine.

Good. My faith in you is restored. ;-)

I'll try to get that fixed, backported, and patched tomorrow.
Matthias Classen fixed it right *after* releasing 3.10.7. I’ve added his change set as a patch so builds 
should be automatic. Those who already have a 3.10.7 checkout will need to stop the build and pick “6: wipe 
directory and start over” to apply the patch.

John Ralls

A follow-up on the problem of missing MeassageDialog icons. Even with the new patches (gtk+-3.10.7 gtkmm-3.10.1), I could not get the icons to appear. I was building and using meta-gtk-osx-gtk3 and meta-gtk-osx-gtkmm3. No icons. I then added 'jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core-themes. After that, compiling my test code containing

Gtk::MessageDialog dialog("Dialog message", FALSE, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE);;

gave a black and white 'dialog-warning' icon. Not great.... but good enough.

jim...   Jim Charlton

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