[gtk-osx-devel] [PATCH 2/3] Remove iconv from bootstrap

On recent OSX versions, building libiconv will get in the way of
the system one when trying to generate a bundle, and this will
cause runtime failures. Since the native iconv is good enough for
use by the gtk+ stack, we can remove GNU iconv from bootstrap.
 modulesets-stable/bootstrap.modules | 10 +---------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modulesets-stable/bootstrap.modules b/modulesets-stable/bootstrap.modules
index 406b508..9e5960a 100644
--- a/modulesets-stable/bootstrap.modules
+++ b/modulesets-stable/bootstrap.modules
@@ -44,11 +44,6 @@
-  <autotools id='libiconv' autogen-sh='configure'>
-    <branch module="libiconv/libiconv-1.13.1.tar.gz" version=""
-            repo="ftp.gnu.org"/>
-  </autotools>
   <autotools id="gettext" autogen-sh="configure"
 	     autogenargs="--without-emacs --disable-java --disable-native-java --disable-libasprintf --disable-csharp">
     <branch repo="ftp.gnu.org"
@@ -56,9 +51,6 @@
             size="15139737" md5sum="3dd55b952826d2b32f51308f2f91aa89">
       <patch file="http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk-osx/plain/patches/gettext-bug33999-stpncpy.patch"; strip="1"/>
-    <dependencies>
-      <dep package="libiconv"/>
-    </dependencies>
   <autotools id='readline' >
@@ -130,7 +122,7 @@
       <dep package="xz"/>
       <dep package="make"/>     <!-- Needed for Tiger, skipped otherwise -->
       <dep package="subversion"/>   <!-- Needed for Tiger, skipped otherwise -->
-      <dep package="gettext" /> <!-- Pulls in libiconv, needed for 64-bit -->
+      <dep package="gettext" /> <!-- Needed for 64-bit -->
       <dep package="m4"/>	<!-- Can be skipped for Leopard and later -->
       <dep package="autoconf" />
       <dep package="libtool" />

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