Re: Gtk tool-bar running icon under MS-Windows

On 5/26/2017 6:05 AM, John Woodsman wrote:
When running a Gtk program under MS-Windows, there is a little icon that 
appears in the tool-tray bar at the bottom of the screen - one for each program
that is running.

Major applications like Word or Chrome have their own unique logos. 
But the icon for all my Gtk programs just shows the Gtk logo.  
I would rather display an icon unique to each of my programs. 
As it is, the icon is really just showing the graphics lib my program used.

Just give a non-default icon to the window, and that's what you'll see on the
taskbar. If you use Glade UI definition files, it would look like this:

  <object class="GtkApplicationWindow" id="my_main_window_id">
    <property name="icon_name">name-of-the-icon-of-your-app</property>

And in Glade itself it's just like any other property.

Obviously, you'll need to install the icon in an appropriate place
(share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps/<name-of-the-icon-of-your-app>.png) and run
gtk-update-icon-cache for it to be found.

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