Changing background of TextView makes selection invisible

I am trying to make the background colour of all TextViews white, using
something along the lines of (this is gtkmm, but the problem is the same
in pure gtk):

  Glib::ustring data = "GtkTextView { background: white; }";
  auto css = Gtk::CssProvider::create();
  auto screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default();

This does make the background white, but it also makes the colour used
for selection highlight white. As a result, I can't see anymore what I
am selecting.

A different colour leads to the same result: the highlight colour
becomes the same as the background colour, and hence the selection
becomes invisible. The same also happens when using the
override_background_color(..) function of the widget.

Is this a bug? (this is with gtk-3.10.8). Or am I doing something wrong?


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