Re: gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle and DrawingArea in ScrollableWindow

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 11:22:29PM +0100, pecisk gmail com wrote:
I have simple scrollable window, which has DrawingArea within it. So before
I draw anything, I take gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle, as I want to get
width of actually visible area. Then I use it to do drawing to surface and
then applying it to cairo context.

However, there's problem. When windows open first I get proper value of
returned area from gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle. However when I do a
scrolling, it starts to return ten times smaller width, t.i. at the size of
scrolling step. And every time I scroll it keeps getting this ten times
smaller width than initial value. What's more interesting, when windows
lose focus or gets resized, it gets correct width.

I tried to isolate code and tried not to draw anything on DrawingArea - it
still returned smaller values.

What did I miss, what's could be wrong in this case?

Probably nothing is wrong.  You get the rectangle that you actually need
to draw, i.e. the newly uncovered area.  The rest does not need to be


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