gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle and DrawingArea in ScrollableWindow

Hi everyone!

I have simple scrollable window, which has DrawingArea within it. So before I draw anything, I take gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle, as I want to get width of actually visible area. Then I use it to do drawing to surface and then applying it to cairo context.

However, there's problem. When windows open first I get proper value of returned area from gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle. However when I do a scrolling, it starts to return ten times smaller width, t.i. at the size of scrolling step. And every time I scroll it keeps getting this ten times smaller width than initial value. What's more interesting, when windows lose focus or gets resized, it gets correct width.

I tried to isolate code and tried not to draw anything on DrawingArea - it still returned smaller values.

What did I miss, what's could be wrong in this case?

Peteris Krisjanis.

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