Re: Problem with GTK3 Theme Engines

The Adwaita theme engine is part of gnome-themes-standard.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Kevin Connor Arpe <kevinarpe gmail com> wrote:

As noted on an earlier mail, I am building a dev sandbox for GTK3 hacking.

Today I am struggling with theme engines.  I am running KDE4 so the default themes available are not good, plus my distro is GTK2-based.  Thus, I think I need to build some theme engines for GTK3 and install into my dev sandbox.  (Correct me if wrong pls.)

I downloaded some themes (only css + pngs, etc.) from  All seem to depend upon two theme engines: unico and adwaita.

I cannot find the source for adwaita.  I assume is the buried in the GNOME source tree.  I don't want to try to compile that beast from scratch if possible.

I found source for unico, but it is buggy as hell.  There is an open bug report (major -- causes immediate seg fault on start-up) from May 2012.  So, I guess that project is going the way of patch hell via distros that want to include/use it?

Ok, enough whining: Where does this leave me?  Without adwaita or a working unico.  Any advice?

Kevin Connor ARPE

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