GtkHScale: Jump-to-position by left-click instead of middle-click?

Hello everybody,

I am new to GTK. I am trying to develop a small music player using GTK & GStreamer. I use GtkHScale for the progress bar, which is responsible for updating the track progress & allow user to move to different time position in the track.

Everything works fine until now, except that I can not use left-click button to snap (or jump) to random position in the GtkHScale. Instead, I have to either drag or right-mouse-click. I have tried to solve this problem for several days and still can not figure out how to use left-click to jump to different position in the GtkHScale. I have searched through the GTK+ mail archive & reference but found no place talking about this.

Does anybody here know how to implement this functionality for GtkHScale? If so I hope you can give me a hint. 

Thank you and have a good day!

Phong V. Cao
phngcv gmail com

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