2 callbacks to same event


I try to connect two callbacks to the same event of an event_box. but the one i connect the last is ignored.

after creating the event_box, this is what i do:

g_signal_connect (event_box, "button_release_event",
				G_CALLBACK (CB), (gpointer) data);
g_signal_connect (event_box, "button_release_event",
				G_CALLBACK (toggle), GINT_TO_POINTER(0));

in this case just the callback "CB" is called, "toggle" is ignored. if i switch the order "CB" is ignored...

Do i have to do something before i connect the signals to the eventbox?

occures on osx with: GTK 2.22.1
and on linux with: GTK 2.24.4

thanks for any hints.

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