Unbind VteTerminal keys


I need to unbind some Alt keys in VteTerminal (not to be
intercepted and for later use in the vim editor later).

I tried to unbind Alt-B (which moves the cursor back in vte
by default), however, without success. Alt-B is still bound
after applying this ~/.gtkrc-2.0 setting:

binding "my_vte_binding" {
	unbind "<alt>B"
	unbind "<alt>b"
	unbind "<Alt>B"
	unbind "<Alt>b"
	unbind "<mod1>B"
	unbind "<mod1>b"
	unbind "<Mod1>B"
	unbind "<Mod1>b"
class "VteTerminal" binding "my_vte_binding"

What is wrong here...?

To track it: How can I see what got applied and which
instance is capturing a key binding?


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