What is the meaning of toggle on/off for GtkTextTags?

I have been reading and re-reading the GtkTextIter reference manual for functions


I don't understand the explanations in the manual.
The explanation of gtk_text_iter_forward_to_tag_toggle in manual starts:

'Moves forward to the next toggle (on or off) of the GtkTextTag tag, or to the next toggle of any tag if tag is NULL.'

Does 'off' imply that iter goes to the end of current tag if iter is inside it?

OR is this what is meant? 'Moves iter forward to the start of next GtkTextTag in the buffer or to the start of any tag if tag is NULL.'

Is the meaning of gtk_text_iter_backward_to_tag_toggle?:

'Moves iter backward to the end of previous GtkTextTag in the buffer or to the end of any tag if tag is NULL.'

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