Re: Problem with two versions of glib...

Hi Yeti,

Thanks for reply.

The 'make uninstall' did the trick. I was so immersed in rounding up the dependencies, I clean forgot that you just go to the directory the ./configure, make, make install files are in & do as you suggested (not all programs use those commands, I do realize).
& by the way, you may be correct in your admonition to "never..." but I 
hardly consider the distinct recommendation from GTK producers regarding 
dependencies to be "random." Perhaps I need to change my out look here? 
I do agree, however, care & knowledge are crucial, as is gaining 
experience... & putting them together can even be better, or should I 
say, the aim.
I also got Ardour built & installed.

Thanks again.


David Nečas wrote:
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 07:34:47AM -0500, Henry W. Peters wrote:
I was in the process of building Ardour, which uses GTK, the below pasted dialogue shows, what I think is my problem. I have done this before, going to the GTK web site, getting the dependencies, working my way to the GTK libraries themselves. Short of story, I now have two versions of glib on my Linux Debian Lenny system... both have what it looks to me, to be (somewhat differing) critical dependencies... (GNOME desktop, etc.). My question is: How do I get rid of one of them (probably the earliest version, which is 2.22.0), with out destroying my system?
The version you need to get rid of is the version that did *not* came
from Debian.

Never try to replace system packages with random hand-compiled stuff
unless you know what you are doing (which is defined as that you don't
need to ask how to fix things you break in the process).

I hope you did not install the other one to /usr.  If you installed
it to /usr/local or an even more reasonable place, `make uninstall'
should remove it again.

Then you can ./configure the new GLib version with a non-system --prefix
(e.g. something like ~/opt/glib) and install it there.  And set PATH,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to this other version when
compiling and running software with this new version.


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