Re: how to set transparency to widgets?

On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 23:32 +0200, gege2061 wrote:
> Hi,
> It's possible with cairo :
> Screenshot :

i tried to very carefully word my reply, but you just rode right over

yes, there are all kinds of amazingly cool things you can do if:

	(a) you write new widgets that draw themselves with cairo
	(b) you use a compositing window manager
	(c) you have a new-ish video interface

but what I said remains true: this functionality basically does not
exist in GTK at this time. most widgets draw themselves with GDK, and
they have no way to control their opacity.

this will coming (and its quite far along), but its not here today, now,
in a form that you could easily use and assume that it would work for
your users (unless you have very tight control over what systems they


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