Re: Tearoffs/transient windows and minimize in Win32

> Our Gtk-based Win32 application have a "minimize" behaviour that's
> confusing to many users wrt handling of transient windows and also
> "torn-off" menus.

There has been lots of issues in GTK+ on Windows related to the
handling of transient windows, focus and activeness, and modality.
Many problems have been fixed quite recently.

> I'm using gtk+ 2.10.7 - the binary version from

That is a bit old. The 2.10 branch is not maintained any more. Try the
latest GTK+ Windows binaries, at this moment 2.12.3, but once I have
time to build it, 2.12.5. If you still notice problems in that, please
try to distill the problem down to a minimal test program (in C) with
a single source file, file a bug report at, and
attach the source code to the test program. (Filing bug reports
against unmaintained versions, like the 2.10 branch, is mostly


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