Re: Does gtk have issues with STL?

El vie, 08-02-2008 a las 14:50 -0500, Lindley M French escribió:
> I'd love to think it's my own source code. However, the randomness of
> the errors I get (or sometimes, don't get) prevents me from easily
> tracking them down. Is there some randomization at work inside GTK? I
> can't see why there would be, but it's the only thing I can think of
> that would cause the same binary code to produce different behavior on
> successive runs.

Or maybe it's a Heisenbug [1]. Memory corruption, thread unsafe code,
etc, are likely to produce them.

> And I can't form a test case until I know what triggers the crash,
> because otherwise I won't know if absence of a crash is evidence that
> the test is working or not.

As Murray said, use valgrind to check for memory corruptions or problems
that may lead to random behavior.



Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>

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