gtk-config & pkg-config

I'm a newer to x-window, and it's my first time setup GUI for linux. 
Gnome is cool, but when i install some software, i got a lot of problems:
run the configure script, it tell me cannot find gtk-config;
I installed gtk1.2 and glibc1.2 from the FedoraCore8 disk, it still cannot find. and I run with the option "-qpl", there's no information about where gtk-config is installed.
Of couse, "pkg-config" works well.
It is a good idea to write a perl script nammed "gtk-config" ,but I donnot know how to.
May I do a link to "pkg-config", or other? why not let the gtk2.0  compatible with the gtk1.2?
Help me ,thank you.. 

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