Re: Help with installation problem?

On 10/16/07, Case Torres <ctorres quantumcomposers com> wrote:



I'm trying to install gtk+-2.10.14 on RHEL 4.


When running ./configure

I get the following error message.


"error: X development libraries not found"


I'm kindof new at this installation stuff and linux. I've spent quite a bit of time searching the internet and my system for X development libraries without success but, quite frankly don't really know what I'm looking for.



How would I find out if these are actually on my system and ./configure just can't find them?


Where would I get these so I can install them?


Thanks much in advance, Case



Case Torres

Quantum Composers, Inc.

ctorres quantumcomposers com


The libraries you are looking for are part of the rpm package xorg-x11-devel

If you've already configured yum, do the following as root (IIRC red hat repositories have the package)
#yum install xorg-x11-devel

alternatively you can download it from the web.
A good resource to search is (I can't vouch for these packages as I did not build them).
Generally FC3 packages can be installed on RHEL4 without too many issues.

If the packages are already installed and ./configure still doesn't work then I can't really help you.


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