Re: Changing the style of a scrollbar

On 6/11/07, konton <konton gmail com> wrote:
On 6/7/07, Paul Davis <paul linuxaudiosystems com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-06-07 at 16:18 -0700, konton wrote:
> > How do you change the look and size of a scroll bar?  I have a
> > GtkScrolledWindow that holds a GtkTreeView, and I want the scroll bars
> > to have different images and be thinner.  I tried setting the style in
> > .gtkrc for *GtkScrolledWindow* and I can get the color to change sort
> > of and even have somewhat of a background image overlayed on the
> > graphics, but it doesn't look like that's how I accomplish my task.
> >
> > In the source code to GtkScrolledWindow I can see where it draws the
> > shadow around the contained widget, but not where it gets the up
> > arrow, down arrow, and slider images for the scroll bars.
> > gtkvscrollbar.c doesn't seem to have any graphics-related stuff in it.
> >
> > This is not for a desktop application so I don't care about the user's
> > theme preference.
> this is all done by the theme engine in use. you won't find specific
> code for it in GTK - instead the widget basically says "do the arrow
> thing here" and the theme does it.
> --p

Thanks, that explains a lot.  I'll look into the source for a theme
engine to try to find how it does it.  Do you happen to know of any
good resources for this, or is source code the only way (as my
preliminary searching has implied)?


Oh nevermind.  Looks like the Qt Pixmap engine has everything I need.


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