Re: GTK+ 2.10.7 released

--- Gian Mario Tagliaretti <g tagliaretti gmail com> wrote:

> 2007/1/6, Sergei Steshenko <sergstesh yahoo com>:
> > So, should everyone distrust the claim that there are no memory leaks in 2.8.20 ?
> You don't want to understand the meaning on the sentence in the FAQ,
> where is the point in going on with this rant? Behdad and David have
> already explained the situation, are you trolling?
> What EXACTLY are you trying to achieve?

I want to see the TRUTH in FAQ.

The thruth being:

1) known presence or absence of memory leaks in gtk+2.8.20;
2) known presence or absence of memory leaks in gtk+2.10.*.

The words "known presence or absence" mean when the last memory leak
was reported and confirmed and when it was fixed.

Regarding the leaks in gtk+2.10.* the answer came in the announcement of
gtk+2.10.7, i.e. the last know leak was in gtk+2.10.6.

Since distros typically do NOT update packages until next release cycle,
for the majority of gtk+ users in recent Linux distros the leaks are still

And I believe the users have the right to know this from the GTK official
webpage, not from this Email thread.



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