Re: configuring gtk+ and gtkmm with dev-c++ on windows

Hello Joey!

> I've searched the internet for a detailed step-by-step instructions on
> how to configure gtk+ and gtkmm with dev-c++, but didn't find any up
> to date installation instructions.
> Many of you must already be using them, so if any of you could post
> how you did that, i would be very grateful and create a blog about the
> topic so that it is not addressed any more.
> What files do I need to download?
> What directories should I add in the PATH environmental variable?
> What include, lib and bin directories should I add in Dev-C++?
You can use the pkg-config in the command line to see what you need and
add this entries into the library and lib entries.

    ,''`.   Michael Ott, e-mail: michael at zolnott dot de
   : :' :   Debian SID on Thinkpad T43: 
   `. `' 
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