web interface for GTK+

Hi all,

The following GTK+ related project was created on Cofundos.org (a platform for describing open-source project ideas and pooling resources for their implementation):

*web interface for GTK+* by stefan
Tags: Interface gnome html GTK+ web

Project description: I would like to use my loved Linux applications not only at home but also from work and from everywhere where I have an Internet connection. Therefore GTK+ should be extended by a web interface to allow the usage of GTK+ based applications through any HTML compliant web browser. A simple Linux based PC could function as a server. This would create a strong unique selling proposition for Linux and open source applications. It would allow to use GTK+ based applications similar to eyeOS but would not require to rewrite every application in order to use it through the web.

More info at: http://Cofundos.org/project.php?id=67

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