Re: need suggestion about gtk+

--- jaya raju <jayarajuc mic co in> wrote:

> sir,
> Iam prathibha.Iam working in gtk+.
> i would like to know about gtk+ clearly.I started reading this material send by someone.But iam
> not thatmuch clear about this gtk+.please kindly suggest me in a way that anyone ( a new person)
> should able to understand it as c.
> that mean i need clear idea about programming , and i need description about each and everything
> regards,
> prathibha
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Have you ever done any GUI programming ?

I think that GUI programming experience in any toolkit can be useful.

That is, gtk+ has a lot of similarities to other GUI toolkits; it's
important to understand what widget hierarchy, signals, callbacks,
main event loop, etc. are.

Essentially GUI programming is parallel one, i.e. you can initiate an
operation pressing a button and while the operation is in progress do
other things with the same GUI. Or, rather, people call it multithreaded.

So, HDL (Hardware Description Languages) experience can be useful too
- the languages are inherently parallel.


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