gdk_pixbuf_composite issues


I'm trying to reproduce a very popular image effect these days, where
the image seems to levitate above a reflective ground.

So I build a GdkPixbuf and I first render my image on it (which is
scaled to fit inside). Then I have to draw the reflection, which is
the same image but flipped vertically. To do so I use
gdk_pixbuf_composite with a yscale parameter to -1.0.

Here is what this does:

I get different result with different GDK_INTERP value: tiles and
bilinear fail to a black rectangle, while nearest and hyper succeed.

Is this something known ?

As far as there is no rescaling, I don't need 'hyper' interpolation,
but if I want to shrink the reflection to make it a little bit more
realistic, then yscale will have != -1.0 values. When I implement
that, tiles and bilinear fail again, nearest work as well as it can
and hyper produces giltches (removed fading for clearness)

Are there any known limitations of gdk_pixbuf_composite I am falling into ?

Thanks for clues,

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