Re: GTK-Config

--- aldo camargo und nodak edu wrote:

> Hi GTK people:
> I am trying to compile Carmen Software (software to programm robots) and in the Module Map
> Editor I found this problem; it seems like the gtk-config is not installed.
> I am using the gtk 2.8.19, that I downloaded from
> I think that this missing a lot of files, could you send me the complete version of gtk 2.8.19
> (including the gtk-config)
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Aldo

Have a look at my tool (see signature) - it builds gtk+ out of the box, does
not require root privileges, builds/installs everything locally, so integrity
of your system won't be compromized.

Atfer downloading and unpackaging the tarball you'll run something
like this:

~/AppsFromScratch/20060710/bin/ 1>build.log 2>&1 &

- this is supposed to build gtk+-2.8.20 amomg other things.

If you need gtk+-2.8.19, you'll have to edit one line - the README file

( )

explains how to do this.


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