Re: Asking for advice on embedded gtk guiand web browser.


Li Weichen wrote:

> 1. Is gtk a name of GUI?  If it is, can it be properly cross compiled for
> embedded use?

Yes, crosscompiling GTK works pretty well.

> 2. Is there any ready to use embedded gtk GUI?

There are several projects creating lightweight GUIs based on GTK. For a mobile
device with low resources and a small screen you might want to take a look at
GPE (, the website is a little bit outdated).
There is a ready made cross toolchain to build GPE applications for ARM devices
as well.

> 3. Because I want to use it in a networking device, so could you please
> recommend me an embedded web browser?

There are several options, but no perfect one. Dillo is very small and stable
but lacks many features, gpe-mini-browser (based on GtkWebcore) has a better
rendering engine but isn't free of bugs either. If you have a little bit more
memory Minimo might be interesting too.

> 4. The device has 32MB RAM, is it enough for the gtk GUI?

Yes, but i'd recommend to use GTK 2.6.x.

You will find out that crosscompiling all the software is a nasty job,
especially if you want to get a maintainable filesystem. There are quite some
powerful tools to help you with this. Scratchbox is interesting for development,
for creating filesystems T2 and OpenEmbedded are useful.

I hope this helps...



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