Win32 viewers/pagers/editors WAS: glib\guitls.h, atexit and the windows DDK

On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 11:17:37AM -0800, Rick Jones wrote:
> i'm in the midst of getting netperf4:
> ported to Windows.  As a first step I have it optionally using 
> Glib/Gthread under Linux.
> Notepad is useless for looking at the include file (pointers on that 
> score most welcome)

I have a couple of suggestions, not sure either would fit your needs,

If you plan on doing very much development of this type, it might be
worthwhile to install MinGW and MSYS.  with that, you have `less' as
well as the development environment.  I'm not sure if there are any
pagers like `less' available on or not.

Another option, although possibly overkill if you are merely interested
in viewing UNIX-formatted files, but I found that `gvim' was quite easy
to build and install on Windows (Windows 98, at that).  With that, you
would also have a more reliable editor to edit any of your source files.

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