Re: List of gtkrc-2.0 options?

On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 09:43, expires-31-12-2004 endlos net wrote:
> Hello,
> Could someone point me to a list of valid gtkrc-2.0 options?  They
> seem to be kept secret, although the following ones were accidently
> disclosed in some older release notes:
> 	gtk-can-change-accels = 1
> 	gtk-font-name = "Arial 9"
> 	gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"
> I'm willing to trade!

You can use all settings there (I notice that the fact that settings can
be set in rc files is not mentioned in our docs of the rc file
syntax...) The settings are documented here:
(scroll down to "Properties").

Note that if you are running in a desktop environment such as Gnome, the
settings are normally managed by a Settings Manager, which allows them
to be changed desktop-wide.


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