Top Level Window - Eliminating Rollup / Resize / Minimize / Maximize, ect

Without the nice functionality that Gtk 2.4 offers, is there still an
"old fashioned" way of eliminating these menu options from the windows
in GNOME using GTK in C.

Basically I want to remove the whole feature that the X Windows Manager offers at the top left. The drop down that exists on all windows. I need it to be disabled, or all submenus removed/disabled. Is this possible at all?

The commented out lines below list functions that the newer GTK library
(2.4) offers.  But presently that isn't an option for me to upgrade that.

I basically want to PIN the main window to the desktop, without any
ability to move it, roll it up, or what have you.

Hope someone out there can help :)

	/* Main Gui creation */	
	mainwin = gnome_app_new(PROG_NAME, _(PROG_NAME));
  	gtk_object_set (GTK_OBJECT (mainwin),"GtkWindow::type",
(),gdk_screen_height ()-24);
	gtk_window_set_policy (GTK_WINDOW(mainwin), FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); /* not
resizable */
"delete_event",GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(close_gui_event), NULL);
"destroy_event",GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(close_gui_event), NULL);
//        gtk_window_stick(GTK_WINDOW(mainwin));
//        gtk_window_maximize(GTK_WINDOW(mainwin));
//        gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(mainwin));
      //   gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(mainwin),FALSE);

	gnome_app_create_menus(GNOME_APP(mainwin), mainmenu);
	sbar = gnome_appbar_new(FALSE, TRUE, GNOME_PREFERENCES_USER);
	gnome_app_set_statusbar(GNOME_APP(mainwin), sbar);
	gnome_app_install_menu_hints(GNOME_APP(mainwin), mainmenu);

<... and so on>

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