Re: problem with pangox - and also with pkg-config !

Alain D'eurveilher wrote:

Ok, yes i have others :
and the latest :

But I'm sorry but i don't really understand how to put the which one
in wich other one...??!!
If you only have these two, then you should probably put


first. You can just copy the example I wrote, only put the whole thing
on the same line, like this:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig ./configure

or it won't work (I hope it doesn't fold in your mailer program).
As you can see, the colon (the : sign) separates the members of the

You should of course run this in the gtk+ source directory.

You may also need to put


on the first line of /etc/ (I may have misspellt the name, but
you will find it) and run


before trying.


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