Re: theme question

On Wed, 28 May 2003, Owen Taylor wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 22:50, Tony Denault wrote:
> > I'm using gtk on solaris/sparc, but can't themes to work.
> >
> The way that most people would select a theme is, to put in their
> ~/.gtkrc-2.0
>  gtk-theme-name = "Metal"

Tried this - no luck.

> If GTK+ was installed some place other than /usr/local, the
> gtk-engine's README file explains what to do:

I am just using GTK (no gnome) on a sparc/Solaris8 system.
I install everything (atk, glib, pango, gtk, gtk-engines) into their
default locations:
    make install

Then I created a ~/.gtkrc-2.0.
Still this didn't work.

After some poking around, I found that my directory /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0
contain the following:

After I did this, gtk found my themes:

   cd /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0
   ln -s ../2.0.0/engines

So it look like the gtk-engine installed itself in the 2.0.0.

GTK 2.0 and 2.2 confusion. In many instances 2.2 really acts like 2.0.
I ran across a similiar problem in the pkg-config utility too:
   'pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.2' doesn't work but I can
   use 'pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0' to compile my 2.2 apps.


| Tony Denault                     | Email: denault irtf ifa hawaii edu |
| Institute for Astronomy          |              Phone: (808) 932-2378 |
| 640 North Aohoku Place           |                Fax: (808) 933-0737 |
| Hilo, Hawaii 96720               |                                    |

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