Re: Pango problem

On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:38:35 EST, george young <gry ll mit edu>  said:

> I have the exact same problem.  The set_usize (or in gtk2, set_size_request()
) of 
> extents.width works ok on my linux box, but fails on Windows/Exceed and Mac
> X-servers.  I wonder if the xserver is substituting some other font for
> that requested and the differing font width info is not getting through
> to pango (or from pango to gtk)?

Another possibility is that your xserver is selecting a font with totally
busticated font metrics.  I encountered one font that had a squirrely value
for the font's 'max left bounding box' value that did very evil things when
the font was used in a Tk/Tcl program.

xlsfonts -lll your-font-here | more

and start looking for odd bounding box or other values...
				Valdis Kletnieks
				Computer Systems Senior Engineer
				Virginia Tech

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