Re: Pango problem

Am Fre, 2003-02-07 um 18.07 schrieb Paul Davis:

> set_width_chars has nothing to do with *visual* appearance. it limits
> the number of chars that can be entered into the entry.
> see my recently posted set_usize_to_display_given_text() for how to do
> this without pango, then think about how best to do it with pango.
> --p
excuse me, you mean :set_max_length - I think this function limits the
number of chars.
I mean :set_width_chars to manipulate the visual length. And the problem
for me is not to find the function I need, the problem I have is that I
thing the function does not work properly with other XServers then
Xfree. Has everybody the same experiance and found a solution.
Bernd Demian <bdemian csc-dd de>
CSC Ploenzke

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