[Q] mapping between "axes" and "coordinates" of GtkInputDialog

Hi all,

I'm new to GTK+.
I read the following sentense in the section of "GtkInputDialog"
in the reference manual for Gtk+ 1.2, but I can not understand the
meaning of the sentense, specifically what "axes" and "coordinates"
actually mean respectively. 

    "For each device, they can control the mode of the device 
     (disabled, screen-relative, or window-relative), the 
     mapping of axes to coordinates, ......" 

I searched the ML archive for some clues, but failed.
I guess "axes" means the coordinates of the physical devies for input,
and "coordinates" means the one which something in GTK+ (or GDK?) has.
In other words, I think GtkInputDialog converts the coordinates of the
device to certain coodinates in GTK+ or GDK.
But I don't know if it is correct.

Could anybody tell me what they really mean, respectively ?

If the question have already been posted, I'd like to know where I can
find the info.

Thanks in advance.

Yasufumi Haga   e-mail:yasufumi haga nifty com

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