Re: GTK 1.2 and 2.0 installed !!!

Found on the GTK+ web page :

"You can have the runtime and development environments for both GTK+-2.0
and GTK+-1.2 installed simultaneously on your computer."

NICE !!!

So programs that use v1 don't run whith only v2 installed ?
Strange !

Ok, v1 and v2 are on my computer.
I keep v1.

I launch rpm install of D4X (my rpm test !) :
Return error : GTK2 = 2.0.6 is needeed to d4x.

But 2.0.6 IS INSTALLED !!!! (libs AND devel)

Look at /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib and other : it seems ok.
Look at /etc/ : right
look at LD-LIBRARY-PATH : idem

May be try to install v2.0.7 ? (when rpm package will be realeased !!)

In any case, thank you for your help !

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