pango_layout_set_text not returning?

Hi Havoc,

I am seeing another strange problem where sometimes
pango_layout_set_text (and also pango_layout_set_markup by extension, I
guess) does not return.  It's not a busy wait.  I'm not able to
reproduce this deterministically.  I started the process with strace
process and ran it until it happened.  I'm not so sure it'll be useful,
but just in case:

    gettimeofday({1011851373, 947435}, {300, 0}) = 0
    write(2, "Message: ", 9Message: )                = 9
    write(2, "Layout text", 11Layout text)             = 11
    write(2, "\n", 1
    )                       = 1
    rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [CHLD RT_0], 8) = 0
    rt_sigsuspend([CHLD] <unfinished ...>
I'm not sure why it calls gettimeofday(), but the write calls are from
g_message, immediately following which is the call to

Can you think of any reason anything in that call might block?


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