Re: file handling with fopen() and fclose()

John Breen <locutus borg apana org au> writes:
> Ok, I sit corrected.  I guess I'll have to add more overhead and figure
> out _how_ to handle the authentication.  PAM _looks_ like it will do it,
> but then again maybe not.
> Has anyone done such a thing then, and prepared to share the
> methodology?  If not the code?

You're just trying to authenticate a user?

On Red Hat Linux we use an external program which authenticates then
runs the app that needs higher privileges. Look at any of the admin
tools such as redhat-config-network for how it's set up. 

I'm not all that familiar with it myself and don't know if there are
docs or where they are. The relevant package is "usermode"

There isn't really a very good portable way to do this sort of
thing... UNIX flavors and Linux distributions tend to have their
own setup.


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