Re: file handling with fopen() and fclose()

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 06:23:58 EST, Michael Mitton said:
> Even with PAM you need to be root.  I had this trouble myself and ended up
> writing a helper script that ran suid as root and passed login info via
> pipes.  If you are not root, it seems to only auth the user your are
> running your script as.

Very true - but on the *other* hand - under what conditions do you *want*
to be able to authenticate as some other user?  That's a big security hole.

1) Unless you're very careful, the progam can then be used as a password
guesser for another userid.  You can even automate it using XTest or similar.

2) Since you're still running as yourself, authenticating as somebody else
doesn't do squat for you - you only have your own access permissions.
You *could* invoke or contact something else - but *that* something should
be doing its *own* authentication.  For instance, having your program
shout down a named pipe "Yeah, it's really the other guy" is broken
security wise - the program at the other end of the pipe needs to verify
*for itself* that whatever is at the sending end is who it claims to be.

				Valdis Kletnieks
				Computer Systems Senior Engineer
				Virginia Tech

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