Problem with setting background for GtkViewport


I'm using a gtkrc to set the background of my app.

  style "my_window"
     bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "background.xpm"

  widget "main_window" style "my_window"

This alone makes most of it work, and it looks great, just like I want
it. However, I have this GtkScrolledWindow with a Viewport on it.

I tried to make the Viewport use the same background as everyting else
using this:

  style "transparent"
     bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "<parent>"

But it becomes black, I suppose it's because its parent the
GtkScrolledWindow has no background and I actually want it to stay that

Is there anyway to make this GtkViewport to use main_window's

Also, I see that this method tiles the background image, is it possible
to scale it instead?


Luis Oliveira
luismbo AT netcabo DOT pt

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