Re: on DrawingArea, pixmap and pixbuf

On Sat, 2002-04-20 at 14:59, Nuno Afonso wrote:
> i don't understand why all this anger... i try to help you and you
> answer in this way?!?

I am just frustrated and tired of geting answers pointing to an
incomplete api documentation that i have already read through.
i am sorry.
> > However, there are some lot of functions you could have pointed me to
> > check. functions that works on GdkWindow only.
> ?? didn't i told you that you needed to realize the window? didn't i
> said that you needed to use gtk_widget_realize() ?
> > I have never heard GdkPixbuf is tied to Gtk+ 2. 
> > 
> > an "rpm -q --whatrequires gdk-pixbuf" gives:
> ...
> > dont say "i have never used Gtk+-2.0...", instead just say "i dont
> > know", or "i have never used it" or "there is no need to use it, look at
> > the functions for GdkWindow, they can tell you about the depth of your
> > GdkPixmap" or something else.
> man... for your information i quote:
> What's new in GTK+-2.0
> ======================
> ....
> - Integration of the gdk-pixbuf library for loading and manipulating
>    images.

Which means its now a part of gtk 2, but it has not always been, and a
lot of gtk 1.2 programs, including gnome 1.4, use it.

> ...
> this information is on as you see on gtk+-1.2 there wasn't
> gdk-pixbuf, it was created for gtk+-2.0.. i'm using gtk+1.2, e haven't
> used gtk+-2.0... can gdk-pixbuf be used with gtk+-1.2? i don't know, but
> why try to integrate a new tool with a "obsolete" library?... so i

what do you mean a new tool with an obsolete library?
its gtk+-1.2 and gdk-pixbuf

> repeat, i haven't used gtk+-2.0, and if i wanted to use gdk-pixbuf i
> wouldn't use it on gtk+-1.2...
> i think you should be calmer... if you keep with that attitude next time
> maybe no one will help you...

Anyway, i guess i woudl be better off starting with gtk+-2 than
following 1.2.

You are right about that, ive got to go back to my roots and not be
altered so easily.

ICQ: 15605359 Bicho
First, they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.
Then you win. Mahatma Gandhi.
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