user interface

I have been thinking of writing a program.
When that happens, i usually give a lot of time to think how i will do it and how it will look like, and make other functions before starting to write the interface, is this good practice?

Well, the point is, like 2 months ago, i had to use autocad to complete some homework. I like its interface. must gui i think are ugly because they require a lot of interaction with the mouse and clicking here and there.
I like typing commands better, even under a gui, for most applications. (browsing is one where most things need mouse, but there could be typed commands too, like "open: http://.....";)
Well, the point is, i was thinking of a window with an entry widget at the bottom, any aplhanumeric or not-ctrl/alt/ctrl+anything keystroke would end there. Is there a straight way to do it?
I though recognize each keyboard event on the main window, and then use a function to parse it and send it to the text entry. but i think it might not be a good idea.

any one have done something similar? thank you.

ICQ: 15605359 Bicho
First, they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. Mahatma Gandhi.
........Por que no pensaran los hombres como los animales? Pink Panther........
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