Re: fork() and progress bar...

On Fri, 2001-09-07 at 01:21, Paul Davis wrote:
> In message <3B97FD8C 2020806 redhat com>you write:
> >> I've got a situation where I need to load information
> >> from a MySQL db and on the screen continuously update
> >> a progress bar. What I'd like to do is while the
> >
> >You should take a look at gthread (a pthread extension for GTK+ 
> >programs).  It allows you to do exactly what you describe.
> <ObRant>
> gthread provides absolutely no functionality that is not present in
> the P.1003 standard. the API is just a renaming or dropping certain
> PThreads features).
> i do not understand why, when there is a decent, cross-platform API
> for threads (P.1003 aka PThreads), people want to wrap that in yet
> another decent cross-platform API.
> </ObRant>
to make it also cross-OS (windows, BeOS, etc), I suppose

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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