Re: fork() and progress bar...

>But the functions that I'm calling to update the
>progress bar have
>while(gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration();

i didn't notice that within the loops. sorry if it was there. i don't
have it anymore to check.

>So I would do something like this (never done handlers before
>so this is kinda pseudo-codeish):
>   ...
>   the for loops
>   ...
>   if(*running) return TRUE;
>   return FALSE;
>Kinda like that? Thanks for your help.

I would do this:


	static int direction = 1;
	static int i = 0;

	if ((i += direction) == 100) {
	    direction = -1;
        } else if (i == 0) {
	    direction = 1;

	gtk_progress_bar_update (i);
	return *running;

this will modify the progress bar every 100msecs, which i would
imagine is fast enough.


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