Re: CList DnD/selection "format" broken?

hey I bet you wish you never said nothin'

I for one didn't understand (stupid as this may sound) that if say GtkTree was broken then GtkTreeItem would be regarded as deprecated.

This because I didn't find the GTK2 manual til yesterday, by which time I'd already put in a bugzilla report I didn't want to put in if I didn't have to - 'cos I know you people have a lot of them to go thru anyway, & also am aware that there's a fair chance I don't have a clue what I'm talking about.  I am gobsmacked at the differences... I didn't expect such big jumps in basic structures.  They are right and good moves to a man, but they don't look back At All, and this is something I hadn't allowed for.

Bear in mind that we ain't all paid-up C programmers who knows our stuffs.  Some of us are complete idiots who just fell into programming yesterday.  If you want to keep your bug-list down, half of your defence strategy should consist of gentle explanation.... the which you personally, Havoc, generally do very well when you recognise why ppl are having trouble understanding.  

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Havoc Pennington" <hp redhat com>
To: "Paul Davis" <pbd Op Net>
Cc: "Owen Taylor" <otaylor redhat com>; <gtk-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: CList DnD/selection "format" broken?

Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com> writes: 
> clist works fine for simple uses, and will continue to do so in GTK 2,
> it's not gone. The issue with the clist is just that if you try to do
> something hard, it either can't be done, or the hack to do it
> interacts badly with the internals of the clist which weren't designed
> for it. However if you are just making a simple list, clist is fine.

Owen points out that I made clist sound more supported than it is in
2.0 - e.g. it doesn't support accessibility, looks inconsistent with
GtkTreeView, etc. And is of course deprecated, for removal someday.


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