Re: CList DnD/selection "format" broken?

>A button to move the selected item from the clist to wherever you want
>to move it to? In general, drag and drop should _only_ be a shortcut,
>since it won't be accessible to all users, and is also hard to figure
>out that it is present even for users that are fully mouse-1enabled.

since my GUI is already a wrapper around a UI-less backend that also
comes with a visually-impaired-friendly interface, i am not concerned
about accessibility too much. users that are not fully-mouse-enabled
will be completely unable to use the GUI interface (in much the same
way that they could not use a CAD program without a drawing tool), but
will be able to use a vastly more efficient text-only UI instead.

the design of the GUI, plus the behaviour of the canonical
applications in my "niche", make it reasonably clear to all but the
most novice user that you can drag-n-drop from a list of items into an
area where such items are arranged along a timeline.

for now, i've added an item on the edit menu for the timeline that
inserts the selected item from the clist.

just how incredibly different is the replacement for CList/CTree? will
we have to go through a complete paradigm shift to use it, or will
porting be fairly easy?
>Chances are, since the code in clist that passes the wrong value for
>the value is clearly untested, if you fixed this problem (by passing
>in a correct value for the format), you'd just run into other

yeah, like the basic one: the data type being passed around is private
to the CList.


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