Re: C++ wrapper users please read!

RevX gmx at wrote:


me again. Seems there are some nice solutions for C++ wrappers (for GTK+).
But that throws up the following question:

What speaks against "leaving" GTK+ functions as they are and just write
a C++ program (without a wrapper)???

Maybe I sound plain stupid now, but, is there also a C wrapper for GTK+???
I mean a wrapper that simplifies GTK+ function handling (without going

vdk tool kit goes toward this way, instead wrapping each single one-to-one statement it hides in the background the tedious, time-consuming process to write gtk+ applications framework from the scratch, normal operations can be done using only vdk calls, for fancy things user should use gtk+ lower level calls. It's a C++ wrapper however, nothing against writing gtk+ apps in C, but using C++ you loose flexibility and OOP features, better plain C than an underused C++ (imho). To remain inti C field, there is Glade that greatly helps you in designing and developing interface.

Thanks for your answers again.
With kindest regards,

Mario Motta [AI Research Group - Rimini - Italy]

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