Re: Statically linking

On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, Raymond Wan wrote:

> Hi all,
> [...]
> '/gtk/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules': Permission denied
> 4)  ** WARNING **: Error opening module file
> '/gtk/etc/pango/pango.modules': Permission denied

of course you should examine the read permissions of your gtk tree.
> 5)  ** WARNING **: Couldn't load font "Sans 10" falling back to "Sans 10"
> 6)  ** WARNING **: All font failbacks failed!!!!

That's exactly my problem. I found out that the usage of the
pangox.aliases from the pango/examples directory of the source tree gives
a good RESULT. There is a environment variable PANGO_RC_FILE which points
to a resource file like pango/examples/pangorc, where links to the other
files are defined.

> 	I also ran the statically compiled program through strace and it
> looks like it was also looking for /gtk/etc/pango/pangox.aliases , which
> I'm a tad worried about.  My program is in English but occasionally, a few
> characters from Unicode appears -- hopefully that isn't the problem.
> 	The software I'm working on is nowhere near a final release, so
> I would be happy with any quick fix / suggestion except for the
> requirement that whoever runs it must install GTK+...I have a feeling that
> isn't possible (this time).
> 	Any suggestions, especially from someone who has tried this
> before, would be appreciated.  Thank you!
> Ray

	These behaviours of pango should really be documented somewhere. I
browsed through the Pango Website but I haven't found anything about using
fonts with this library. It doesn't makes much sense to use these
functions if we cannot define some fonts for them from outside.

	Also I would like to know how ft2 fonts can be used in gtk
applications compiled against pango. Again it's not the problem in writing
an application whch uses ft2 fonts but to tell any application linked
against pango to use ft2 fonts. If this doesn't works it would make no
sense to use pango at all !!!


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