Statically linking

Hi all,

	I'm afraid I'm still trying to statically link my program.  I've
now relaxed my requirements and having a statically linked program plus
some extra files to get it working is fine by me.

	However, I'm having problems with these extra files.  It's hard
finding all of them and when I do find them, their absolute path names
seem to be hardcoded into the executable [of course, creating the same
directory structure on the other machine is an obvious work around, but I
would like to hear suggestions from others first].

	The program compiles fine, but I am getting a lot of runtime
errors.  If anyone has suggestions to fix these, please let me know:

1)  Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib

2)  Gdk-WARNING **: can not set locale modifiers

3)  Gtk-WARNING **: Can not open Input Method module file
'/gtk/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules': Permission denied

4)  ** WARNING **: Error opening module file
'/gtk/etc/pango/pango.modules': Permission denied

5)  ** WARNING **: Couldn't load font "Sans 10" falling back to "Sans 10"

6)  ** WARNING **: All font failbacks failed!!!!

	I also ran the statically compiled program through strace and it
looks like it was also looking for /gtk/etc/pango/pangox.aliases , which
I'm a tad worried about.  My program is in English but occasionally, a few
characters from Unicode appears -- hopefully that isn't the problem. 

	The software I'm working on is nowhere near a final release, so
I would be happy with any quick fix / suggestion except for the
requirement that whoever runs it must install GTK+...I have a feeling that
isn't possible (this time).

	Any suggestions, especially from someone who has tried this
before, would be appreciated.  Thank you!


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