Re: HScale vs. VScale vs. Scale w/ "orientation"

On 24 May 2001 17:53:05 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> I just rewrote these widgets, they now have basically 0 code in the
> H/V subclasses and do have an orientation internally. (Though there
> isn't a set_orientation() function, adding one is a 4-line change.)
> Anyhow, rewrite isn't in CVS yet, but it exists.

Now we're talking about the scales anyway.

Will it have support for multiple sliders (like my example widget I had
some time ago)? And will the code be more understandable? :-)
If the "support for multiple sliders" would be considered for gtk-2, I'd
be happy to hack it in if it isn't there yet and if you actually want me
to do that.


-   .-.
-   /V\   | Ronald Bultje <rbultje ronald bitfreak net>
-  // \\  | Running: Linux 2.4.4 and OpenBSD 2.8
- /(   )\ |
-  ^^-^^

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